At Curo Legal, we offer a multitude of services and provide flexibility in how those services are offered to our clients.  This allows our clients to feel comfortable with the role we are taking and gain better insight into how exactly we can help them.  In order to give greater effect to this (and provide some free publicity for our clients), we decided to feature a few of our clients in a monthly blog series.  This month we are featuring Sove Law, LLC by interviewing its founding member, Chris Sove.  Chris has been working with Curo Legal for a while now and has found great value in our virtual assistance services.

Q: When you’re thinking about your law practice, what issues are running through your mind that keep you up at night?

A: Making sure I have a steady flow of clients instead of ups and downs at different times of the year.

 Q: Why did you decide to use Curo Legal for your law practice?

A: I came from a traditional firm and decided I wanted a change. I wanted a law practice that would give me more flexibility. Curo is able to help me do that, so I can have the life I want.

 Q: How have Curo’s Virtual Assistance Services enhanced your law practice and your life?

A: By making it more efficient and giving me more time to handle what I enjoy doing.  I can delegate things I can’t do effectively.

 Q: Which services have been the most helpful to your practice?

A: Virtual Assistant, Ruby Receptionists- Saves many hours a week, gives me more time to spend with family and to build my practice.

Q: What do you like most about working with Curo?

A: The fact that it’s virtual. It’s simple and easy to use.

Q: How are you planning to use Curo’s services in the future?

A: Would like to build my practice by using more of the same…possibly more than one VA as I get busier.

Q: Looking out 3-5 years, what do you think will be the next big change in the legal industry?

A: That’s why I associate myself with Chad Burton! People will want to use low cost, self -directed legal services and less going to an attorney’s office.

Q: Have you ever thought, “If only a company like ours could do _______ for me, life would be so much easier”? Tell me about ______ and how you would find it useful.

A: Hard question. I knew what I needed from Curo and am using what I need at the time. I guess I will figure it out in the future as my business grows.